Saturday, April 3, 2010

The funniest and strangest overreaction I've ever encountered

Let me tell you the bizarre and hilarious story about someone who literally blocked me on Facebook over simply sharing a normal, non-offending photo of her and her friends that she herself had posted on Facebook.

Earlier in the day, I was sitting online and checking my Facebook periodically as I usually do. A photo popped up in my news feed of a friend who was standing outside the new Minnesota Twins stadium with some of her friends at the first-ever exhibition game there. Being a Twins fan and someone who hasn't been to the new stadium yet myself, I was naturally inclined to click on the image to see it full-size and check out the view. Here is the image for reference, which I pulled out of my browser's cache:

Notice the random guy in the background on the left side? That's pretty funny! I have a buddy who has a collection of Facebook albums with what he calls "Guy in the Background" photos (some people also refer to it as photo-bombing but my buddy has been doing it for years beforehand) and naturally thought that he would enjoy seeing this humorous photo too. So I re-posted it on his Facebook wall, plain and simple.

Later that night while at a show, I checked my Facebook on my iPod Touch and discovered a wall post notification from the woman who posted that photo. I then jumped over to my Facebook wall only to discover this:

WTF? Well, she's right about me being a stand-up photographer, but what in the world would prompt someone to have such a bizarre response over me doing something that is completely normal for anyone on Facebook? I then jumped over to my inbox to discover this:

Kinda hard for me to respond to you if you've blocked me, haha. I then responded to her post on my Facebook wall with the following, which she can't see if she's blocked me but obviously this whole bizarre situation needed to be clarified for my friends.

I have never had any known problems or issues with the woman in question whatsoever and hadn't even knowingly crossed paths with her in nearly a year anyway, so really all I can do is laugh about this because it literally does not make sense. I think I'm going to share this with Fail Blog or another similar website too because they'd probably find this all amusing as well.