Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Two years!

Today is the 2-year anniversary of my Facebook group, Mike Minehart: Rock Photographer. In that time I've uploaded over 800 photos to the group with a new photo (or two) going up almost every day.

In the past year the size of the group has doubled, and I thank everyone that has invited and joined over these past two years. But come next April 7th, let's see if we can double (or even triple) the size that it's at now. Invite your friends and spread the word that if you like to see some great music photography to join this group.

On top of that, I also have a website where you can check out full show galleries.


And like most everyone else these days, I have a few more social networking pages set up for updates on my photography and whatnot.


So encourage your friends to check out my work and also to join my Facebook group, because it's the only place on the Internet where you're guaranteed to see a new photo from me quite literally almost every day.

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