Monday, February 8, 2010

An album a day keeps insanity at bay.

I've been posting a new rock photo every day in my Facebook group since April 2007, which is pretty awesome cause I've now tallied over 1100 photos. I'm currently broke and unemployed though, so I have to be really picky on what shows I see (or you can always put me on the list!) these days.

But another idea I had for 2010 was to try to listen to an album a day. Seemed easy enough at first; I listen to music anywhere from 1-12 hours a day depending on what I'm doing and I'm a bit of a purist in that I still love the idea of the album as a creative format. Singles are nice obviously but albums are what really get you hooked on a band.

In order to make this a reality though, I'm probably going to need to acquire about 100+ more albums since my library isn't as deep as it should be for this idea. Believe me, I've got a lot of great music, but I'm also missing out on a lot of stuff I should have as well. Plus it doesn't hurt to be exposed to new stuff either sometimes.

I'm a very picky dude when it comes to the music I like (I do try to keep an open mind too of course) but if you've got any CDs you'd be willing to loan (or even give) to me, hit me up. And if you'd like to follow along with my album of the day series, enter the Konami Code (Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A) on your keyboard while on to bring up the "secret" section that also houses some other fun hidden goodies.

P.S. - If you're opposed to sharing music like this, know that I still buy CDs (I don't actually buy off iTunes or any digital retailer) when I'm not broke and I haven't illegally downloaded a song online in over 3 years. I'm not a distributor either; I occasionally receive albums that haven't been released yet but I sure ain't gonna be a prick and leak them to the masses. So show some love for a fellow music lover and lemme hear some of your cool albums.

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