Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The 3-year anniversary of the most rock 'n' roll thing I have witnessed thus far

Ah, old memories and the lanes which they create. Let us take a walk (or rather, blog) down said memory lane. (I will be pulling out some especially old photography in this, so please bear with me...)

It happened on a Friday night all the way back in the summer of '06. Though it would be another 8 months before I finally purchased my first "real" SLR camera, I was still snap snap snapping away at shows with my comparably crappy little Olympus 8 megapixel point-and-shoot camera.

I found myself at The Varsity on June 9th, 2006 for The Alarmists debut EP release show for A Detail of Soldiers. I had only seen the band once before (at The Varsity about a month prior when they played with This World Fair at The TV Sound CD release show also at The Varsity) but I already knew I had found something special in them.

Supporting The Alarmists at their debut EP release was Low Lustre, a band that would soon move to New York, and White Light Riot, their BBFF's (best band friends forever). WLR had first caught my ear and my eye two months earlier when they played with TWF at some fashion show at Myth Nightclub, so they too were new on my list of bands worth checking out more often.

(Side note: That first encounter with WLR in April 2006 involved frontman Mike Schwandt telling me they sounded kinda like Fall Out Boy. Bullcrap. They're way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way wayyyyyyyyyyy better and sound nothing like them in my opinion, in that WLR is actually good.)

Getting back on track, I witnessed something so incredible at The Varsity that night that it may never be repeated the same way without someone intentionally doing it themselves. But I don't think anyone is really crazy enough to tempt fate in such a way that they also cheat death itself...

I'm speaking, of course, of what Mike Schwandt from White Light Riot did during about the 3rd song of their set. During the solo, the band rocked out all over the stage, with Mike swerving back and forth between guitarist Joe Christenson and bassist Dan Larsen on either side of him with drummer Mark Schwandt keeping it all together in-time in the background.

At one point, Mike did some kind of spinning swing with his guitar, thrusting it upwards as he was leaning forwards and inadvertently whacking himself in the forehead with the head of his guitar. But he didn't go down or even really miss a beat. I'm told that when he stumbled over towards Dan, Mike said something along the lines of "Am I alright?" before heading back towards to the mic at the end of the solo.

But when Mike turned around to finally face the crowd and get back on the mic though, I heard some in the crowd let out a collective "Gasp!" in utter shock of what they were seeing.

(Click image for bigger version)

Mike was gushing a huge stream of blood from right above his eye! Luckily for me, I was in the right place at the right time with the flash turned on, which resulted me in capturing that photo. The band finished the song and then briefly stopped their set as a few people from The Varsity came around the stage with towels and began tending to the self-wounded WLR frontman.

Nobody knew if WLR would be able to keep playing with how incredible the injury was to Mike. But in true rock 'n' roll fashion, the band carried on and finished their set with Mike continuing to bleed all over himself. Sure he'd towel off after songs, but the wound would quickly re-grow into another big stream of blood that would run down the side of his face. Joe Kuefler from The Alarmists even made a cameo on stage on tambourine, which was later reciprocated by Mark from WLR during the headlining set.

Mike actually had to go to the hospital and get stitches after WLR's set. He missed the headlining performance from The Alarmists (which proved to be even more incredible if that was even possible at this point) but not the afterparty, which was probably the stuff of legend as well. I wasn't there, but then again, I (and 3/4 of WLR) wasn't even 21 at the time. Amazing to think that that's how long ago it was now...

So yes, that is what happened 3 years ago on this very day. Mike's clumsiness and penchant for self-injury created one of the most insanely awesome moments I've witnessed thus far. And even though WLR is not on the bill for the latest CD release show by The Alarmists for The Overhead Left this Friday at The Varsity, you can bet your bottom dollar that the band will be there. Heck, you're already guaranteed to see at least one member of WLR anyway, cause Mark is also drumming for The Alarmists now as well.

But know this: On what is only a few days after the 3-year anniversary of that memorable moment in Minneapolis rock history, The Alarmists will bring it all full-circle for their second full-length release. Between the band bringing original keyboardist Joe Kuefler back into the mix and playing at my favorite venue, I'd say this show will inevitably be one of the biggest and best of the year for the local scene. So be there, and be ready to rock. You know I will be.

The Alarmists CD Release Show for The Overhead Left
Friday, June 12th at The Varsity Theater
With The 757's, The Championship, and Coach Said Not To
8 PM doors, $8 advance/$10 at the door, 21+

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