Saturday, March 21, 2009

So I got hit by a car.

Yet for some reason it made me feel like a total badass...

Let's recap. Last night I went to The Entry for a stellar lineup featuring The Melismatics, Sick of Sarah, Maudlin, and Boom Booms For Everyone. Great show, tons of pics, etc., etc. Got pretty much everything that I was expecting from the show basically.

During load-out (around 1:30 AM) afterwards, The Melismatics asked me to drive their van for safety's sake. Cecilia (tour manager) and I headed out of The Entry towards the garage and began crossing 1st Ave, as we had the walk signal.

About halfway across the street, out of nowhere I suddenly find myself hit on my back-right side and flying into the air. As I'm airborne, I see a headlight or something careening down the street. I spin and land mostly on my left side and wonder, "What the hell just happened?" A few people on the street rushed over to Cecilia and I and started asking if we were alright because we had just freaking been hit by a cab.

The adrenaline rush was insane. Remember the scene from Pulp Fiction where they resuscitate Uma Thurman's character by injecting adrenaline directly into her heart? It felt kinda like that, minus the screaming.

The police and EMTs were on the scene in a minute or less, which was nice. I was standing up but my leg was still shaking a bit from the shock, and I walked over to the curb to sit down and try to relax as they checked me for any injuries. Immediately my first thought was, "I should call my dad," which I did, but not before posting a message on Twitter that I had just been hit by a cab. (In retrospect, that was pretty nerdy, even if it is a good idea to keep a record that way...)

The cab driver was still on the scene, and police talked to him, Cecilia, the witnesses, and I as the adrenaline continued to pump through me as if I had just finished an hour-long workout. At that point the only thing I noticed was a little bit of soreness on the left side of my ass from landing on it and some minor scrapes on my left hand. Didn't hit my head or anything like that thankfully. Filed a report and went to hang with some friends after the show as originally intended, though I had a brand-new story to share with everyone obviously...

Today I find myself with a sore shoulder blade and ass, but with a sense that it could have been way worse and I'll probably be fine again in no time. I'll know for sure on that tomorrow anyway. And though it might just be my personality, again, for some reason getting hit by a car and walking away mostly unscathed makes me feel like a total badass.

My only regret is that nobody got it on tape apparently. There goes my shot at being the star of Jackass if they ever brought it back I guess...

1 comment:

  1. way to not tell me you have an actual blog. i am upset! :[

    not really.
