Sunday, March 22, 2009

Two nights after getting hit by a cab...

I'm feeling a bit more soreness in my shoulder and back on my left side where I landed. I think my ass is a bit better, which is good because I need it for sitting. And that is necessary for the oh-so grueling task of editing photos on a computer. Yesterday I was sitting on a pillow because the desk chair I use at my computer was a bit too hard, but now I don't think I need it.

But an hour ago I started feeling some new rib pain and now I'm seeing a bruise there too. Nothing was bothering me enough to warrant medication before, but now I think I need some ibuprofen. There doesn't appear to be any ibuprofen in my apartment right now though. Crap crappity crap crap crap. Getting hit by a car might seem badass, but feeling sore afterwards is a pretty lame side-effect if you ask me...

I haven't gotten to work out since it happened, which sucks because I had been making a point of it to work out almost every day since I started again back in February. I'm going to a clinic first thing tomorrow to get this checked out. I'll be pissed if I've broken a rib or anything, because I've never broken a bone nor had to have surgery in my life. If anything like that happens, there goes my lifelong streak of being both young and unbreakable. Bah.

On top of that, I was even sick last week. Though I'm pretty much recovered from whatever it was that was bothering me, my voice has been shot for like two days and it makes me sound like I'm back in puberty or something. I doubt it has anything to do with getting nailed by a cab, but with these injuries still bothering me who knows?

My hope is that I'll be back to 100% sooner rather than later. It's probably not as bad as I'm making it sound, but not being able to work out sucks, and I find that some kinds of bending or lifting with my left side is not a very good idea right now.

Sigh. I'm blogging and Twittering (two of the stupidest words I've ever heard, but whatever) about this mainly to establish a record of what my body has been feeling like since it happened for safety's sake should anything have to happen with a court case or whatever. But I'll be darned if I also couldn't use a little love every once in a while, so go ahead and pour it on. :p Send some love to my friend Cecilia as well, because she was walking a little behind me when it happened and also got dinged up a bit.

Well, I'm off to a 24-hour Cub to find some ibuprofen I guess. More on this story as it develops. Back to you, rest of the world.

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